Helpdesk 101

Getting started with our helpdesk software

I created a ticket, when can I expect an answer?

Most, if not all tickets, are answered the same day we receive them. However, depending on our workload, we may not be able to get back to you immediately. But remember, we try to answer every request as fast as we can.

What is a ticket? Is it the same as a request?

A ticket is an official request entered into our system through Emails, text messages, and phone calls are not tickets. We try to prioritize tickets and do most of our work through them. Unless the issue is extremely urgent, please create a ticket instead of contacting us t...

What personal information are you tracking?

Privacy is important to you and to us. When you submit a ticket through our helpdesk, we just keep your name and email address and question you asked in our database. Nothing more unless you share it yourself during an interaction with us.

Can I use email to reply to a ticket?

Our helpdesk is able to receive answers to your tickets via email, however we prefer that you use the website, which is much clearer and organized.

I don't find my answer in the knowledge base, what should I do?

Did you try to search using different search terms? If yes, then you should create a new ticket.

District Email Lists

The district has many email lists which staff may use to contact groups and departments. Please use judgment when sending to these lists and make sure you are authorized to do so. If you believe that you should be on a list, but are not, please submit a support ticket so that we can verify and ad...