Tech Offboarding

Our process for offboarding departing staff is as follows:

Notification and Project Creation

When a new staff-member is leaves employment and is given an official departure date IT staff receive a notice from Employee Services. Upon receiving that information, IT will: - Enter information into our onboarding database - Create an onboarding project in our task management system

Account Closure and Removal

Following project creation, IT will: - Suspend Google G-suite account - Remove from Google Sheets directories - Remove from our Global Address List

Retrieve Devices

Any user devices must be returned to IT as soon as possible. Upon receiving, IT will - Inventory and clean devices - Wipe device memory - Refresh and upgrade if needed - Change phone number for mobile devices

Direct supervisors or their assistants/office staff are responsible for returning equipment to IT. If not handing equipment to IT directly, please label appropriately and contact us via email or ticket to let us know you have turned devices over.


Q: Our office has new staff in need of equipment---can we issue the departing staff's equipment to new staff?

A: We understand the importance of staff hitting the ground running. That is why we do our best to have equipment ready when it is needed. In order to facilitate that, all devices from departing staff must be sent back to IT for inventory, cleaning, and repairs. In the long run it harms the new staff member and our inventory to recycle devices in this manner. Additionally, distributing used devices in this manner creates security issues and inventory problems.

Q: Where do we return equipment?

A: We understand we're a distributed school district. Equipment needs to ultimately arrive with IT staff, either by delivering it directly to our IT Office in Oro Grande, or be sending it with staff.

Q: Should I just hold onto equipment until I see a tech at our location?

A: Unless you are expecting to see a tech soon, or have an appointment already set, please plan on sending the equipment back as soon as possible and don't hold onto it. This delays our ability to turn around and issue the equipment to new employees. We appreciate your help in this regard.

Q: I have found a bunch of old equipment stashed somewhere in our office---what should I do?

A: Generally, if it is worse less than $50, we won't be recycling it. If it's a laptop, mobile phone, etc. then please send it our way. If it appears to be an old or broken peripheral (mouse, keyboard, headphones, adapter) then please dispose of it. If you are unsure feel free to send it to IT and we will handle it.